Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Fast for Our Future

On October 15th, over 100 people will begin one of the largest hunger strikes in American history to call on Latinos, immigrants, and people of conscience the Immigrant Rights Movementto rise out of our fear and vote for change. The Fast for our Future will be based in a permanent encampment at La Placita Olvera, the historic heart of Los Angeles, and will continue until at least 1 million people have signed this Pledge. Through our shared sacrifice and commitment we will renew our movement and inspire an historic mobilization of Latino, immigrant, and pro-immigrant rights voters. We must remember the I.C.E. raids, those detained and deported, the families torn apart, the dreams deferred. We must remember the marches, the walkouts, the boycotts, and the promise we made: Hoy Marchamos, Manana Votamos. Yesterday we marched for our rights, today we vote.


WEBSITE: http://www.fastforourfuture.org

I don't think I'll fast, but thats because I have a very hard time putting on weight and I am already very underweight (normally I am 120lbs, I weighed myself yesturday at less than 110lbs).
But I have signed the petition.
No one is illegal, everyone is deserving of human rights.
I don't care what color your skin, where you were born, what language you speak, etc.
Everyone is deserving of respect.

(h/t BFP)