Sunday, June 29, 2008

Moar Links Part 2

Meh, instead of reading stupid people, read these awesome posts:

There was a hearing on discrimination against trans*folk in the workplace.

Monica writes about how the hearing was nearly all white, as in there was one POC total. This sucks, but she's already said that and more.
Anti-racist groups finally respond to the beating of Ms. Johnson by officers McRae and Swain.
Data is awesome.
Theres more there, go read now.

Ren has something to say about anti-porn folks distributing porn to minors and Federal law 2257.
"Oh, and I am curious, are people CARDED before attending one of these events? Viewing the slideshow on line? If not, then anyone and everyone involved in this program is guilty of showing pornography to minors…oddly enough, John Stagliano is in court for such things… do the same laws not apply?"

Ren also takes on mAndrea's m00nlogic. Before answering folks questions about porn.
Ren is awesome.

SnowdropExplodes also takes on mAndea and her "logic' and "proofs".

I've added a couple things to my trans* 101/201 link list that you should check out. Theres a little bit on different definitions and ways to look at "gender". Julia Serano also wrote a nice piece on how calling gender a construct or performance is not helpful or useful.
I got them from Helen G, thanks!

Cara addresses the transphobia in feminism.

Daisy, as well as various commenters, have addressed Heart's "fight the lies" blog.

Shiva muses on disability hate crimes and why we don't look at them that way.

Little Light is thinking about olive trees (and no, it has nothing to do with the "feminist carnival").

I am also a dork. ^.^

ETA: Elly, if you're the same Elly commenting over at mAndrea's, I salute you!
While I doubt mAndrea will listen, perhaps a few of her commenters/lurkers might. You are great!


Queers United said...

while its sad that the trans hearing had only one person of color, im still really happy this progress is being made. a trans hearing on capitol hill is a big deal!

Anonymous said...


thanks for the links :)

"ETA: Elly, if you're the same Elly commenting over at mAndrea's, I salute you!
While I doubt mAndrea will listen, perhaps a few of her commenters/lurkers might. You are great!"

Yes, it's me ^ ^ Now, perhaps it's me who is starting to be convinced, but I think they are not that terrible once you go past the initial agressive tone.

stevethehydra said...

Thanks for the link :)

I was really hoping that post would get a few more comments, actually. I have a couple of follow-ups to it in the works...